April 18th, 2022
It was the day after Easter. I walked into my local Walgreens and saw a huge sign
50% OFF
It was a large box of plastic easter eggs. 50% off? It seemed like a no brainer.
I grabbed the box, did self-check-out so I wouldn’t have to have make small talk, and went home.
On my walk home, I began dreaming about how fun it would be to bring them work. At the time, I was working at a well-respected Off-broadway theatre company (for story purposes, let’s just call them “Ars Nova”).
But all of my dreams quickly shattered when I got home and realized that I had become so mesmerized by the pretty colors that I completely forgot to buy candy to fill the eggs with!
So I began to look around my apartment for anything resembling candy.
So I decided to just start looking for anything that would fit into the eggs.
I filled the eggs with:
Rotten grapes
Dinosaur stickers
A key to my old apartment
73 cents
A used dryer sheet
A Tide pod
A clown nose
Uncooked pasta
And I added a cut up Cards Against Humanity card to add a caption to each absurdity.
April 19th, 2022
I got to the office early the next day. I quickly began placing eggs all over the office.
Then I walked into the conference room and signed in for my 10am zoom meeting. The perfect alibi.
My meeting wraps up and I reenter the office. Immediately people start coming up to me and saying “Emily?! Did you do this?!
“Do what??”
“The Eggs!!”
I told them I saw the eggs this morning, but I assumed they were just full of candy.
I was promptly informed that the eggs were full of “strange surprises” and that they were trying to unlock the meaning.
“No way!! That’s so funny!” I laughed.
Then I decided to take things up a notch.
“I was here early” I told everyone, “I had my 10am meeting, and when I got here the eggs were already placed…” and the only person in the office before me was the Director of Development.
A mob sprinted down the hallway and began probing the Director of Development
“It was you! We know it was you! Admit it”
…..Music to my ears 😈
April 20th, 2022
It was 4/20 and the paranoia was strong.
No one had admitted to being The Easter Bunny.
I continued to stick to my alibi whenever I was accused, and I continued to say “Gosh, I mean… I WISH I came up with this—cuz it’s hysterical! But it truly wasn’t me!”
I am a sensational actor.
Memes began to circulate around the office, and various theories came up.
Perhaps the Easter Bunny was not the first person in the office that morning, but rather, the last person to leave the night before?
It got to the point where the HR team sent out a formal email asking everyone to fill out a survey, voting on who they think the easter bunny was.
May 1st, 2022
It had been almost 2 weeks since Easter
People had moved on.
Everyone’s plate was fully loaded as we were prepping for our summer festival.
We had out monthly full-staff meeting. Part of the tradition is we write sticky notes to shout out accomplishments over the last month, and put them all over the wall.
Then, someone reads them all out and we get to celebrate each others achievements.
But then…
They read one of the post-its.
The fire was reignited.
Fingers pointing all around the room.
And I realized this show needed closure.
A grand finale…
May 4th, 2022
I photoshopped one of my (very cute) headshots to admit that it was me
I had done it
I was The Easter Bunny.
And then I opened up Amazon and placed two orders of eggs.
One of them was to arrive to me
The other was to come a few days later, and be delivered to the head of the Production Department.
She was one of the prime suspects.
The plan?
To do my grand reveal the day after she receives her shipment.
The hope?
She opens her package, and is flabbergasted to find dozens of colored eggs inside.
She comes running out of her office and is like “WHO SENT THESE TO ME?!”
And everyone is else is like “J'accuse!!!”
May-the-Fourth be with me.
May 9th, 2022
It was show-time.
I stayed up late filling eggs with puzzle pieces
Then I put the finished easter eggs into empty cartons that I had been collecting for this very moment.
I decided to spread out the reveal over the course of a week.
Keep the puzzle pieces with my face to be delivered on the final day.
May 10th, 2022
The bunny needed a shrine to drop his eggs under (like, the Easter version of a Christmas tree).
The week earlier, I had found an abandoned dominos pizza delivery bag. It was kismet.
I wrote a riddle, the posted it above the dominos cornucopia.
it read:
If the identity is what you seek
Of bunny, candy, lock, and sneak
Your sharpened mind must not be meek
As eggs and pieces appear this week
hope you like dominos
— The Easter Bunny
The office group chat suddenly blew up with reactions to the bunnies return.
Soon a task force was created to solve the puzzle. A desk was commandeered and became designated for puzzle pieces.
People would gather around when they needed to stop looking at their email, and would begin sharing their guesses about what answers the puzzle contained
May 11th, 2022
More eggs appeared. This time in the fridge.
Suddenly, this seemed normal? Many people casually grabbing colorful eggs from the fridge, cracking them open, and sorting through the puzzle pieces.
Cross department collaboration happened with such ease.
The production department and the marketing department would chat about an upcoming project, while sitting working on the puzzle together.
Life was good.
May 14th, 2022
A few days had gone by, and the office had formed a routine on how to deal with the Bunny’s shenanigans.
It was the middle of the afternoon and I was overseeing an artistic workshop that was happening in the theatre.
Sitting at my desk with my headphones in, I heard someone come barreling down the hallway.
One of the members of the production team stormed right in front of my desk.
She was trying really hard to frown, but couldn’t help but have a tiny smile creeping up on her face.
“I can’t believe you” they said.
“Huh?” I said, taking out my AirPods™
“I should have known. I kept thinking it was you, but for some reason I believed you when you said it wasn’t”
Their voice as so loud that others began congregating in the hallway to watch the confrontation.
I was speechless. Stunned. I had nothing to say.
I couldn’t hold back a smile on my face that confirmed everything they had thought.
I heard a whimper from the hallway.
“Emily… please tell me it wasn’t you…” said one of my coworkers
Silence. I wouldn’t give them a confession.
Then, one of the executives walked right into my office and said “Honestly, Emily… you scare me”
“Awwwww” I replied, gushing politely.
The crowd murmured and comforted one another. Finally, their hunt had come to an end. They found their bunny.
And she just happened to be really cute, and have great hair.